What are the different varieties and species of Christmas trees? - – Sapin Belge Skip to content

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What are the different varieties and species of Christmas trees?

Christmas is coming and it is the ideal season to think about choosing the tree that will decorate and enhance your living room. Trees come in several sizes and varieties, so making the best choice is not entirely obvious. You are looking for the Christmas tree that will make this holiday memorable and bring back good childhood memories. Here is a detailed selection of some species and varieties of Christmas trees.

The spruce

The spruce or picea Abies is the most popular Christmas tree during the festive season. It is bushy and is easily recognizable thanks to its resinous smell and its dark green pigment. The spruce is a pyramidal green fir, it delicately lets its branches turn towards the top. 

This coniferous tree grows very quickly. In fact, it can reach a height of two meters in just eight years. This makes it the fastest growing Christmas tree compared to its peers. The only downside is that the Picea Abies loses its needles very quickly. 

The Nordmann fir 

The Nordmann Fir or Caucasica is native to Russia. Also called the Northern Fir, it is now the choice of millions of homes for Christmas. It is a conical shaped tree that has very dark green needles on top and silvery needles towards the bottom.

Its main advantage is that it does not easily lose its needles, even when installed "cut" in your home. For those who like to celebrate longer, the tree can be kept for a month in your home without losing a single needle. When this tree is in a ball or container, it is possible to replant it. The large Nordmann fir is majestic and grows very slowly.  

The Nobilis fir tree

This is a fir tree that stands out clearly thanks to its bluish needles that are soft to the touch and its pleasant scent. Its conversation lasts as long as the Nordmann fir. However, its branches are not always harmonious or conical. This makes decorating difficult, because garlands and Christmas balls cannot be attached to them.

The omorika

The Picea Omorika, commonly called the Serbian fir, is native to the Balkans. It has long needles that are very bright green and slightly silvery. Although these needles are long, they are less bushy and dense than the aforementioned firs. However, it is its needles and shape that give it a rather particular appearance. It is easy to find decoration ideas to make it a beautiful tree on Christmas Day. The Serbian fir is rarely found in garden centers.

Buying this fir in a pot or container allows you to plant it in your garden. Its other advantage is that it is compatible with any type of soil, even if it contains limestone or clay. After the Picea Abies, the Serbian fir is the most common species. 

The Pungens

This conifer is distinguished by its pale blue needles and its good smell. Its color also gives it the name "blue fir". It is a rustic tree with prickly thorns. It is even not recommended to buy one in case you have small children or animals living with you. In a pot or in a clod, replant it if possible in your garden.

The pungens is a very pretty tree with an equally original shape. It is quite remarkable and present in green spaces and gardens. Its height can be around fifteen (15) meters high. The strong point of this fir tree apart from its color and length is that it does not lose its needles.

The inverted fir tree

This is a rather special Christmas tree that does not go unnoticed, especially with its compact and inverted appearance. As its name suggests, the inverted fir or Picea inversa looks as if it has been turned upside down.

However, this is its original form. This fir tree seduces more by the spectacle offered by its branches. When they are long, the latter calm down on the ground to form a dark greenish carpet on the ground. The foot or support of the fir tree is no longer visible, because the branches cover it completely. It is easy to preserve and replant. It flourishes effectively in the following conditions:

  • A temperature of -15°C;
  • A well-drained (easily passes through) and fresh soil;
  • From the sunlight.

Regional fir trees

Regional fir trees are specific and belong to specific regions. These plantations are sold exclusively by local gardeners or nurseries. So, instead of wanting to own any fir tree, you can very well decide to choose a regional fir tree. A choice motivated perhaps by your belonging to this region or for the taste of the local.

The silver fir

This is the most impressive and tallest European tree. The silver fir can reach 60 meters high, sometimes even more and reach 80 meters in height. This tree can also live up to 500 years, a longevity that could make it the king of the forests. The diameter of its trunk is just as impressive: 2 meters when it reaches maturity.

The top of the tree is initially conical and very pointed, then takes on an oval shape to end up spread out. The trunk of the conifer is straight and the branches as well as the horizontal branches. Over the years, the branches become irregular. These different transformations of this tree are observed little by little throughout its life cycle. 

The organic fir tree

Concerned about the environmental impact that the cultivation of the fir tree generates, the organic fir tree comes as a restorative agent. Indeed, the organic fir tree has several advantages. It is natural, does not contain any chemical elements and respects the biodiversity of the environment. Each time an organic fir tree is cut, another is immediately planted.

It is a technique that aims to eliminate as much as possible the harmful effects of carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, this ecological tree is recycled and like any natural product that does not contain chemical waste, it is biodegradable. Even being organic, this tree is accessible at an affordable price.

The artificial tree

The artificial Christmas tree is very realistic even though it is a fake tree. Small or large, this synthetic tree is a pure plastic product. Its advantage is the duration of its use and its very stable metal base. This can be reused indefinitely. It is available in several models, designs and colors to match everyone's taste. It adapts properly to your interior and can be acquired at an entry-level price.

Now you have enough information about the different varieties and species of fir trees to know how to choose your festive shrubs. Each detail or aspect of the fir tree you have chosen can inspire you to decorate it alone or with your family, and this in a magical atmosphere.

Be aware that you have to take into account the size that must be suitable for your room, the color of the tree as well as its weight. Also, take into account the budget, the smell and the cost of its maintenance. The bells, light garlands, Christmas wreath ultimately make the interior warm and announce the arrival of Santa Claus.

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